3rd International Conference on Environmental and Astronomical Light Pollution
EALPO 2024
EALPO 2024
EALPO conferences are the international extension of Nationwide Conferences on Light Pollution (OKZ¦).
These conferences were held so far in an annual cycle (2013: Warsaw, 2014: Wrocław, 2015: Kraków, 2016: Rzeszów, 2017: Warsaw, 2021: ŁodĽ, 2023: Toruń).
From 2019, OKZ¦ and EALPO are held alternately, each in a two-year cycle.
The first EALPO was held in 2019, the second in 2022.
Topic of the conference concerns the problem of light pollution defined as:
- inconveniences caused by artificial lighting excessive or improper use,
- any negative impact of artificial lighting, such as: dazzling, trespassing, excessive lighting, reduced visibility, sky glow and waste of energy,
- changes in the level of environmental lighting due to the use of various artificial light sources,
- introduction of artificial light into the environment.