3rd International Conference on Environmental and Astronomical Light Pollution
EALPO 2024
EALPO 2024
(S) - stationary pesentation
(R) - remote presentation
- 8.00-9.30: Registration of Participants, morning coffee/tea
- 9.30-9.45: Opening Ceremony of the Conference
- 9.45-10.15: Opening Lecture: Krystyna Skwarło-Sońta: Role of light in human life: between benefit and threat (S)
- 10.15-10.35: Coffee break
- 10.35-12.15: 1st session: Theory and practice of light pollution - Chair: Krystyna Skwarło-Sońta
- [10.35-11.00] Miroslav Kocifaj, Peter Markoš, František Kundracik, John Barentine, Stefan Wallner: Night-sky polarization: Model vs. experiment (R)
- [11.00-11.25] Salvador Bará: Trust, but verify: Reducing artificial light emissions and monitoring compliance (R)
- [11.25-11.50] František Kundracik, Miroslav Kocifaj: Identification of main light pollution sources by light pollution spectrometer (S)
- [11.50-12.15] Tomasz Ściężor: Light pollution measurement network of the Light Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of the Cracow University of Technology (S)
- 12.30-13.30: Poster session
- Natalia Konderak, Waldemar Ogłoza: Measurements of light pollution with instruments (S)
- Larysa Kudashkina: Development of an Educational Program for 'Astrotourism' in Modern Conditions of Light Pollution (S)
- 13.30-15.00: Lunch and afternoon coffee/tea
- 15.00-16.15: 2nd session: Protection of the dark sky I - Chair: Anna Czaplicka
- [15.00-15.25] Ladislav Kómar, Jaromír Petržala, Aleš Neča: Uplight fraction of selected European cities estimated from surrounding scattered radiation (S)
- [15.25-15.50] Monika Sitek: Situation in the North Station of Astronomical Observatory of University of Warsaw - light pollution in Ostrowik (S)
- [15.50-16.15] Dominika Daab, Mieczysław Kunz: Do snowy winters increase the brightness of the sky over Poland? (R)
- [16.30-18.00] Royal Castle in Niepołomice guided sightseeing
- [18.30] Official dinner at the Royal Castle in Niepołomice
- 9.30-10.00: Morning coffee/tea
- 10.00-11.15: 3rd session: Environmental protection - Chair: Anat Barnea
- [10.00-10.25] Pawel Tysiąc, Michael D. Wood, Karolina Zielinska-Dabkowska, Katarzyna Bobkowska: The Path towards addressing adverse impacts of Light and Noise pollution on terrestrial Biodiversity and ecosystems- Horizon EU Project overview (R)
- [10.25-10.50] Przemysław Tabaka, Tomasz Ściężor, Anna Czaplicka, Natalia Słaboń, Aleksandra Tarnowska, Justyna Zając: Illumination of the campus of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow in the context of light pollution (S)
- [10.50-11.15] Przemysław Tabaka, Tomasz Ściężor: Color filters as a tool to reduce the emission of blue light emitted by LED sources in the context of reducing light pollution (S)
- 11.30-12.30: Excursion: Phonography Museum in Niepołomice
- 12.30-13.00: Coffee break
- 13.00-14.50: 4th session: Biology and medicine - Chair: Tomasz Ściężor
- [13.00-13.35] Anat Barnea, Stan Moaraf, Monika Okuliarová, Rachel Heiblum, Abraham Hefetz, Inon Scharf, Michal Zeman: How are brain plasticity, behavior, and melatonin in birds influenced by light pollution? (S)
- [13.35-14.00] Przemysław Tabaka, Krystyna Skwarło-Sońta: ALAN and smartphone - two contemporary factors disturbing human well-being (S)
- [14.00-14.25] Anna Kołton, Monika Czaja: Light pollution as stress factor for Tagetes erecta plants (S)
- [14.25-14.50] Agnieszka Chechelska: Light pollution and eutrophication: Current insights and implications (S)
- 14.50-16:00: Lunch and afternoon coffee/tea
- 16.00-17.30: Janusz Nicewicz: Education in the new Youth Astronomical Observatory in Niepołomice (S) - Sightseeing of the Youth Astronomical Observatory in Niepołomice (MOA), planetarium show
- 9.30-10.00: Morning coffee/tea
- 10.00-10.50: 5th session: Civic activity in the dark sky protection - Chair: František Kundracik
- [10.00-10.25] Sicco Bauer, Christopher C. M. Kyba: Nachtlicht-BüHNE: a German citizen science project to create large area lighting surveys (R)
- [10.25-10.50] Wojciech Noga, Jakub Konior, Krystyna Skwarło-Sońta, Piotr Nawalkowski: Sopotnia Wielka - International Dark Sky Community (R)
- 10.50-11.20: Coffee break
- 11.20-12.00: General discussion: Public awareness of light pollution threats: current status and future prospects
- 12.00: Closing of the conference